Monthly Archives: March 2018

NAFTA’s Effect on Canadian Environmental Regulation

By: Adam Ferris Negotiations to update the North America Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) between Canada, Mexico, and the United States continue into March 2018. While the American President has threatened the termination of NAFTA if the agreement is not “improved,” Canada’s Prime Minister has also indicated a potential withdrawal if a new agreement does not […]

Remote Cree community expresses concern over land use planning process

By: Professor Dayna Nadine Scott, with Donna Ashamock (MoCreebec) and John Cutfeet (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug). In February, we were invited to visit Peawanuck, a Cree community in northern Ontario near the shores of Hudson Bay.  Upon arrival, we were immediately struck by the evidence around us of people living off the land -- caribou hides and […]