News & Posts

Policing poverty and public space during COVID-19

By: Lauren Graham The environmental justice movement addresses the need for equitable access to environmental services. Environmental services are often defined in reference to the spaces where we live, work, and play. Therefore, access to public space is an environmental justice issue. Disparate access to public lands has had a significant impact on low-income communities […]

Clinic Directors urge Ontario to immediately cease mineral staking and permitting processes during COVID-19

Clinic Directors Dayna N Scott and Estair Van Wagner join Osgoode Hall Law School colleagues to urge the Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines to immediately cease mineral staking and permitting processes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote Indigenous communities are facing unique governance burdens to protect the health and well-being of their communities. The […]

Why Environmental Lawyers Should Care About Gentrification

Why Environmental Lawyers Should Care About Gentrification By: Alexandra Potamianos   Community Over Commodity Activist. Source: Communities Over Commodities Report.   The early environmental justice movement fought against the disproportionate placement of toxic waste facilities and other locally unwanted land uses (LULUs) in low-income communities of color. More recently, environmental justice movements have expanded their […]

Municipalities and Climate Change: How Municipalities Can Make Climate Emergency Declarations Meaningful

By: Sarah Murphy How Do Municipalities Fit into the Climate Change Conversation? Many governments are turning their minds to how they can respond to climate change and growing public concern. Federal and provincial governments in Canada are battling over jurisdiction to implement climate change policies on issues such as carbon taxing and pipeline expansion. However, […]

Environmental Law: What 2019 Can Tell Us About 2020

By: Ryan Chawner A flurry of important environmental law and policy news closed out 2019 and lay the groundwork for 2020. Climate justice activists scored a big win with the Dutch Supreme Court decision in The State of Netherlands v Stichting Urgenda (Urgenda). This decision affirmed that there is a real threat from climate change, […]

Can Toronto enact a by-law that bans single-use plastics?

By: Madhavi Gupta The Environmental Context         Concern about single-use plastics has come to the forefront of the public’s attention, with a rising wave of support calling corporations to reduce their use. At a result, restaurants such as Harveys and East Side Mario’s are adopting biodegradable straws, while grocery stores such as […]

Federal Environment Minister approves Regional Impact Assessment following submission from Osgoode Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic

In what is being described as “a stunning success,” Osgoode Hall Law School’s Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic has received word from the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change that its request for a regional impact assessment for proposed mining and road infrastructure in Ontario’s Ring of Fire has been accepted. Dayna Scott Minister […]

New Ontario Law Could Restrict Government Liability for Harms to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights

By: Grace Hermansen On May 29th, 2019, the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, 2019 (CLPA) officially became law in Ontario, replacing the Proceedings Against the Crown Act (PACA). This legislation outlines when and how lawsuits can be brought against the provincial government. Without this statutory framework, the common law principle of sovereign immunity dictates that […]